Know Any Literary Animal Lovers?

Hi there PureJeevan readers! We wanted to let you know that Jim's new novel CHROO is available on Amazon. It's a crazy adventure involving a billionaire heiress, her Chihuahua BFF ("Chroo") and a host of human and animal characters. Find out more on Amazon! Here are some links:

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Jim here with another installment of Weird Wednesday...

Throughout the year, I go through various phases of fruit preferences. Right now, it's citrus. I eat probably four large grapefruits per day (dark reds). The darker the red the better, IMHO. I can get quite disappointed when the grapefruits are listed as "ruby red" but turn out to be just regular pink ones. I've noticed that the ones I like the most have an orangish tint to them, as though they've been left to ripen on the bush a little too long. Also, the best ones I've had this year have been from Texas. So, find yourself some burnt-looking Texan grapefruits & enjoy the blood-red bitter-sweetness!

Now onto my topic... Also big on my citrus obsession of late are oranges. The local supermarket has been getting ginormous shipments, for some reason. Around Christmas time, they offered navel oranges (the best variety, IMHO) for $1.92/dozen!? Funny, the stores are practically giving away nutrition and no one's buying it!!! Lately, they've increased in price, but they're still a bargain at three for 99 cents.

Of course, that's for conventional oranges. Wendi won't touch them, as she's 100% organic. But me? I like to get some pesticide action from time to time, just to keep my body used to the environment. I think I read somewhere that there's a danger in getting your system "too clean." Like, Wendi's going to bite into a conventional apple one day and ... well, I shudder to think of the consequences.

So, where was I? Oh yes... oranges. So, the following scenario happens about once per week: I'm sitting in my office peeling a few oranges and someone walks by and remarks, "Oh, so YOU're the one with the oranges."? Sometimes it's slightly accusatory (although I'm unsure why, considering the others' wonderfully redolent contributions such as microwaved fish!). Other times it's complimentary (as though they'd like one, too). When it's the latter, I say, "You want one?"

"No, but they smell good."

I don't know... Maybe there isn't anything weird about it at all. But, if people think oranges smell so good (which they do!), then why don't they eat more of them?