Today, for Makin' It Monday, Jim has taken you through the steps of making a vegetable wrap. He came home for lunch, pulled the veggies out of the fridge, and the filming began. He quickly shows how just about anyone can prepare fresh, raw, delicious food in less than fifteen minutes. His goal was to get it done in under ten minutes, but it actually took about fourteen. Still, fourteen minutes to prepare amazingly tasty, delicious, and nutritious food is AWESOME!
Here are the ingredients for the veggie wraps:
Pure Jeevan Wraps It Up
(serves 3)
2 cucumbers
3 large carrots
2 sweet peppers
6 sheets nori
3 collard leaves
tamari or nama shoyu
avocado (optional)
Notes: You can substitute any vegetables (Jim suggests beets and turnips, which taste wonderful in a wrap). You can eliminate the nori and wrap your veggies up in the collard leaves, also! As for the soy sauce, I don't eat much of that anymore so I created a quick nut/seed spread for my wraps.
What do you make for lunch that takes 15 mintues, or less, to prepare? It would be fun to hear from others about the quick, delicious meals you are preparing!
Original Comments
Below, we have included the original comments from this blog post. Additional comments may be made via Facebook, below.
On March 9, 2009, wrote:
Crazy skills with the knife! That's confidence! Looks great, thanks for sharing!
On March 9, 2009, wrote:
Thanks, Sam. I'll do a knife juggling video sometime. Never tried it, but I think I could do it. Not sure why nori wraps took me 14 minutes. I still think I could do it in 10 or less.
On March 9, 2009, wrote:
What a great idea! Thanks for sharing. You two are so awesome.
On March 9, 2009, wrote:
That was great. I will make mine with avocado. I think it will be my lunch tomorrow
On March 9, 2009, wrote:
Thanks Jim,
I will make something similar to your wraps!
Can I just add a teeny weeny comment about the water, is it possible that you could put the plug in the sink to wash the veges or use a bucket so you then can recycle the water!
In Canberra we need to save water in whatever way we can and parts of Australia are in severe drought, so I am ver y water concious.
I look forward to many more recipes of foods from nature!
thanks sheryl miller
On March 9, 2009, wrote:
that's how I prepare my wraps... Slow Food Nation does not apply to raw, 'eh? Oh, we better not give McDonalds any wise ideas.
On March 9, 2009, wrote:
Thank You
On March 9, 2009, wrote:
Hi Jim .... Thanx for the demo. Well done !
Actually ... a few things I want to comment ... and NONE if it is to be taken as critizism, please :-) Just li'l things that jumped into my mind, immediately, while watching ....
The WATER ...... grrrrr .. running wayyyy too long .... that's wasting !! -- And yes, I'm in Australia too :-) I guess it's just an awareness-thing .....
14 minutes, huh ?
I'll do it in UNDER 10 -- promise !! I have a feelings it's the talking you needed to do that slowed you down a little.
I'm sure you can cut that time as well off-camera ;-)
But the point you're making is great ...... Yup ... roll-ups or wraps for lunch ..... we have them every second day !! (Between our wild and wonderful Green Smoothies).
If I could figure out how to send you pix to show some of MINE .... I'd do it !!
I've just finished rollin' up my dehydrated mung-bean-chia-seed wraps -- it's lunch-time in Aussieland right NOW .. and I'm taking pix of it !! Took me more than 10 mins as well, as I had to lay-out and arrange all the ingredients for photographing ....
But I KNOW it can be done in 10 or less :-)
I could email you a couple of photos ......
Oh ... that lonely avocado sitting there .... wanted to break my heart ;-)
Maybe I could give your tastebuds a lesson ... I'm an avocado-freak :-)))
I have to actually pull myself back time and time again to NOT overeat on avocadoes !! (Sometimes I still do - and my husband as well). Remembering David Wolfe and those times when he called himself D Avocado W ..... ;-)
Oh .. and the washing of the greens ...... hm ......
As we harvest almost ALL greens from our gardens here .... I NEVER wash anything ..... I donno about YOUR bugs .... ours are delicious !!
It's (maybe ? ) a thing you get into, or used to, when you've lived from your own dirt for long enough to KNOW those bugs are fine ?
Could be just a small mind-shift .... or resolving an underlying emotion ?
I DO wash stuff when having to buy from the organic store, though .... as I don't know other people's bugs ;-)
I do SPIN the greens after washing, as I don't like them dripping wet and soggy. (yes, that'll be another 2 mins ;-)).
Another tip, to cut time: use readily sprouted sprouts !!
I'm usually including a couple of different sprouts (or more) for wrapping, that only requires pulling a handful out of each sprouting jar (today I grabbed some alfalfa and some mungbeans) ... but if you have (like I do) about 6-10 jars of different seeds sprouting on your window-sill and around the sink-area .... it's even faster to fill-up your wraps.
And - I ALWAYS have hummous of ANY kind sitting in the fridge (I make hummous-type-stuff every day, and never made the SAME :-)) -- and it's sooo yummy to spread some onto the wraps, it glues it together as well !!
Want some hummous recipes ?
Great effort, Jim .... thanx so much for the demo !!
Now I'm gonna eat MY wraps !!
All my love, many smiles, and warm Australian sunshine to you !!!
On March 9, 2009, wrote:
Thanks, Lois! We eat these all the time because they're so tasty!
On March 9, 2009, wrote:
Hey Doug- Yeah, Wendi loves avocado, too. I just never got into them, though most people (raw & nonraw) tell me I'm missing out. Maybe someday...
On March 9, 2009, wrote:
Jim, I am going to tie my hubby to the chair and MAKE him watch you! He always says that raw food is too hard to make etc etc .. but this is perfect for guys.
I add avo too.. used to add hummus but I love nut pates of any type for wraps.
Wrap on Young Cuke
love deb
On March 9, 2009, wrote:
Hi Sheryl-
I think I'm about to learn that lesson in a huge way, as we'll soon be living full-time in an RV (an environment in which each drop of water is precious!). I like to think I'm generally a pretty good steward of the environment, but yeah, I still have some areas in need of improvement (and Wendi's always telling me to be more conscious about water).
What's the raw scene like in Canberra? I used to have a good non-raw friend there, but he vanished from the Internet a year or so ago.
On March 9, 2009, wrote:
LOL, I don't know... 15 minutes may be considered "slow" as compared with the McSAD venues. But, I think there's a need for "relatively" fast gourmet raw meals. Fortunately, I work close to home. So, I can usually spend up to 20 minutes or so prepping lunch and still get back on time. O how I long for our home to sell, when I can finally live by our own family schedule instead of the clock of Corporate America! Maybe then I'll do a "How to Prepare Wraps in 2.5 Hours" video.
On March 9, 2009, wrote:
Yes, they were! A little Tamari or Nama Shoyu & you're in business!
On March 9, 2009, wrote:
Hi Helga-
Would I be stereotyping if I said all Aussies are awesome? I've yet to meet an Australian I didn't like. Weird, eh? Anyway... I talked about my water-waste-oid self, above. Hopefully, I'll improve in time. :-) And, speaking of time, I think you're right that my talking added some time. I'm determined to make these again (not on video) in less than 10 minutes!
As for avocados, well, I'm torn... I'm sort of tempted to try them again. But, I'm also kind of drawn lately into experimenting with a lower-fat raw vegan regimen like 80-10-10. I've been 100% raw for 6 months, and high-raw for a few years before that. Still, I feel I'm at a plateau health-wise, and feel that reducing my overall fat (yes, even the good fat) intake might be good for me. I already wolf down a ton of walnuts, coconuts, etc. So, it might be BAD for me if I fall in love with something like avocados.
Our plans for the not-too-distant future include acquiring land on which we can grow our own delicious nutritious goodies, hopefully to the point of near self-sustenance. So, we'll likely get to a point closer to where you're at about the washing. I'm sure I'll always wash veggies (esp. ones that are prone to bugs/eggs), but it'll be less that the time spent washing those from the store. Spinning is a good idea, btw. Thanks for mentioning that!
Sprouts would be amazing in wraps. We haven't done that too much lately, as we're coming out of winter and, for some reason, we haven't sprouted much this winter. But, yes!, we definitely LOVE sprouts.
We also love many raw hummus recipes. We have one in our free eBook. It's called "Tahini Genie Spread." Did you download our free eBooks? That one is VERY hummus-like (meaning, like traditional chick-pea-based hummus).
Actually, for a longer version of our usual wrap recipe, we often make a spread of some kind, which helps hold the nori closed. For time sake, I didn't go there. That would add another 3-4 minutes, I think. Today, Wendi actually threw some brazil nuts, lemon, & a few other quick ingredients to make such a spread.
Thanks, Helga!
ps Unfortunately, neither Wendi nor I made the finals of the "Great Barrier Reef" contest. So, we won't be traveling to Oz anytime soon. But, it was fun entering that contest!
On March 9, 2009, wrote:
LOL, well, I'm no gourmet raw chef, but I do like to toy around in the kitchen from time to time. Wendi's the real raw chef in the house. Her success rate for raw creations is much, much higher than mine (like 90+% versus my 40%). Still, I suppose I've learned a few cheffy tricks from her and would be happy to show him some easy recipes sometime. That or knife juggling. I'm *seriously* going to do that sometime. I'm 90% sure I could pull it off without losing any fingers. Need to wait until summertime, though, as I should probably stand outside.
Thanks for calling me young cuke, btw. It's much better than being an old cuke!
On March 10, 2009, wrote:
One of my favourite lunches is so simple and quick. Chop up a tomato, half a cucumber, and a carrot, and toss it with a bit of olive oil, basil, oregano, and garlic powder. Mm!
On March 10, 2009, wrote:
Hi Dave- That sounds like a dish we have a lot in the summer, usually without the carrot. It's especially good with *fresh* basil! -Jim
On March 10, 2009, wrote:
Great video!!!! For a beginner this is exactly what I am looking for; simple, easy, delicious. Great job! Keep up the good work :)
On March 14, 2009, wrote:
thanks for the recipe ... looks yummy.
On March 16, 2009, wrote:
You are very welcome, Joy! Today I'm going to be posting another delicious
one! :-)