Know Any Literary Animal Lovers?

Hi there PureJeevan readers! We wanted to let you know that Jim's new novel CHROO is available on Amazon. It's a crazy adventure involving a billionaire heiress, her Chihuahua BFF ("Chroo") and a host of human and animal characters. Find out more on Amazon! Here are some links:

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Well, we've finally done it -- made the move westward to our new hometown, Portland, Oregon! It's been nothing but the kind of high adventure befitting such a move, not the least of which was a wheel literally flying off of our car while driving (don't worry, no one was hurt) just days before we were scheduled to leave. And, of course, everything during the past few weeks wound up costing about 10x what we'd planned. ?But, we're here! ?And, we're beginning to get settled.

As always, we've got some great things on deck for this blog in the coming near term, including many interesting articles and some fun video experiments we did involving live blood and electrical grounding. We also have some new exciting web site features to roll out, one completely new raw food site to unleash upon the raw foods community, and a whole new Pure Jeevan web site design to launch. For now, though, we'll probably remain off-line for a bit longer, as we organize and unpack things.

Our Pittsburgh home remains for sale. Naturally, we'd hoped to have sold it before making this move. But, we realized that we didn't necessarily have to wait for it to sell in order to move to Portland. So, we took the great leap of faith and moved here without that step completed. (It'll certainly be a happy day when that lovely home finds its new owners and caretakers!).

As for our impression of Portland in terms of a place for raw foodists and other health-conscious people to live happily, we've shared our opinion before, but it merits repeating: ?It's a super city! ?Specific to raw foods, it's wonderful to find organic produce abounding here (much more so than in Pittsburgh), common to see juice and smoothie offerings at restaurants, and refreshing to find various raw snacks in most grocery stores. In a more broad way, it's also evident that Portland has long catered to the health conscious crowd. At a fairly high percentage of the restaurants or hot food bars you might visit, the staff seem well aware of which menu items are gluten free, soy free, dairy free, vegetarian, vegan, etc. Many of the local grocers seem to emulate Whole Foods in that regard, which is nice.

Well, we have to return to our settling in. We'll see you soon here with lots of great stuff!

-Jim & Wendi

Original Comments

Below, we have included the original comments from this blog post. Additional comments may be made via Facebook, below.

On December 4, 2010, debbiedoesraw wrote:

Yeah!!!!!!!!! So glad you are all in Portland now and can move forward with your lives into your new adventures!



On December 4, 2010, Barbara wrote:

Thanks for the update guys. So glad you are all together again and we look forward to hearing more. :-)

On December 5, 2010, Tina Pruitt wrote:

So excited for you guys - wonderful news! I can feel the energy through your words and it is good....have a wonderful holiday season, and here's to health and prosperity in 2011!

*live big*love big*eat green stuff*



On December 5, 2010, Cindy wrote:

Congrats to all of you on your move. I pray that your other house sells quickly.

On December 5, 2010, rubyvroom wrote:

Such wonderful news!! I'm thrilled to hear that you are in Portland now! Sending you much love and blessings as you settle into your new home!

xoxo - P

On December 5, 2010, Yardsnacker wrote:

Congrats you guys! Welcome to the PNW!

On December 5, 2010, DianneRawGirl wrote:

Happy new start together here in the Pacific Northwest.Oregon is a tad drier then it is here in Washington.

On December 6, 2010, Randomguru wrote:

congrats on the BIG move to Portland, Oregon! sounds all exciting. i've only been to Portland a couple of times, once when I was a kid and another time when I was on tour with a band. i really liked the city and surrounding areas a LOT. lots of trees! and bridges! :)