Hi everyone. Did you miss me on Friday? Was your entire day absolutely hinging on evaluating the quality of the raw salad dressing recipe that you very rightly expected to see demonstrated right here? ... and then I posted nothing at all! Well, missing one day isn't so bad, really. I think it's the first one I've missed since Wendi stepped away from the blog temporarily. Anyone want to guess what happened? ... Yep, a nasty case of the flu took me down!?
O, my raw friends, I thought I was a goner Friday -- thought for sure I had th' deadly swine. But, being the resilient, nearly infallible raw foodie that I am, I totally kicked it's porcine rear end, and am now supercharged and ready to rock and roll once again here on Pure Jeevan's blog!
It occurs to me that I owe you another salad dressing recipe! After all, how can I claim to have featured an entire week of delicious 100% rawsome salad dressings when, in fact, I only featured four ?
Thinking ahead to a visit to family in St. Louis this coming week, I'm inspired to offer you something a little different. You see, we have an extremely tempermental member of the family who lives in St. Louis. She's never liked me much. Quite often, in fact, our meetings turn off rather poorly, not infrequently involving actual bloodshed! (My blood, just for clarification.)
Lucy, you see, is a very troubled Siamese. Her raison d' tre, if you will, seems to be "seek human flesh." Now, my sister Jeanne will defend her cat to the bitter end -- and I'll admit that Lucy can be fun to play with if you have one of those cat-teaser toys -- but man, Lucy has some real deep-seated anger issues and probably needs some kitty therapy.
But maybe not... Maybe if I came up with a recipe to pay homage to her Siamese heritage, she would change her opinion of me, and maybe not single out one of my hands to scratch or bite open! So, here's number five in Pure Jeevan's raw salad dressing series -- and, in my opinion, the tastiest one I've created! Let's hope Lucy approves!
I'm serious... That is the Best. Dressing. Ever! Give it a try and let me know how it turns out for you!! Here's the recipe again:
Thai Coconut Curry Salad Dressing
- 1 young Thai coconut (flesh and water)
- 1/2 red sweet bell pepper
- 1/4 cup fresh basil
- 1/2 clove garlic (or more to taste)
- 1 Tbsp. lemon juice
- 1/2 tsp. curry powder
- 1 tsp. lemon grass
- cayenne pepper to taste
- salt to taste (1/2 tsp. plus)
Pulse in food processor until it's got a salad-dressing consistency. (It'll be rather watery because of all of the coconut water.) Pour liberally on your salad, garnishing with thin strips of sweet red pepper and chiffonaded basil. (To chiffonade, stack basil leaves, roll them tightly, and then cut across the roll to produce long thin strips of basil leaves! Of course, you could also just "chop" them. But this wouldn't be as fun, nor would it sound half as cool, as chiffonading!)
Soooooo delicious!? I used a lot of cayenne, so our mouths were pleantly on fire afterward. I might, for this reason, also suggest that you have a small sweet dessert prepared for just after your salad.
Original Comments
Below, we have included the original comments from this blog post. Additional comments may be made via Facebook, below.
On November 23, 2009, wrote:
I love the commitment you two put into sharing your experience ? being and living raw. I especially like that what you share is not always about food, but about the lifestyle. Loved the foraging video a while back too!
Wendi, don t be afraid to share. Good things are coming your way, accept them. ?
Wish the best for both of you.
On November 25, 2009, wrote:
Can't wait to try this dressing and the creamy garlic one. Have been seeking some new dressing ideas lately. Thanks for the inspiration!