There is a lovely blanket of quietness covering Pittsburgh.Everything has been cancelled for the evening and people are staying home.Do you ever wonder what others do with their lives, how they spend their time when they are away from the rest of society and closed up in their own homes? I'm always curious---I think people are fascinating!
In Pure Jeevan's home, our plans have been altered because of the weather. So, this evening we will watch a movie together. KDcat loves family movie nights, because we don't have them very often. Tomorrow we will brave the snow to get some groceries;? our home is bare of anything green other than a tiny bit of kale. After that, however, we'll go sledding! Most of the time I stay indoors when it's cold outside, however this time I'm going to bundle up and have some fun in the snow with Jim and KDcat. We'll leave the puppy home, since she doesn't tolerate the cold very well.
For the rest of the weekend, we'll be working on more advertisements for our upcoming 3-Day Raw Food Spiritual Ashram Retreat. We'll also complete our newsletter, which should be a lot of fun since I've included some extra special items for our readers! We'll be inside most of the weekend, so I'm sure we'll be playing some board games, as well. I'm a big fan of the game Clue!
What will you be doing this weekend? Do you have any fun planned for yourself or with those you love ?We'd love a glimpse into your life, if you feel like sharing. ;-)