Know Any Literary Animal Lovers?

Hi there PureJeevan readers! We wanted to let you know that Jim's new novel CHROO is available on Amazon. It's a crazy adventure involving a billionaire heiress, her Chihuahua BFF ("Chroo") and a host of human and animal characters. Find out more on Amazon! Here are some links:

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We've got three incredible posts coming your way this week, and we're going to get started right here and NOW with a one-hour interview with the incredible Kevin Gianni. As most of you know, we postponed our RV Tour recently.As part of that, we'd planned to stage a fun event related to the All Raw Directory.We'd planned to air this interview with Kevin (conducted back in December 2008) for that event.

Fast-forward to today and we realize that, like our raw RV Tour, our All Raw Directory promotion will have to wait. It's funny how things trickle down like that. But, all is not lost. This is still an incredible interview -- and guess what ! It's only part one of a two-part interview, as well as a special super-fun surprise we'll be announcing on Friday. We promise: No one in the raw food community will want to miss Friday's post. All we'll say now is that it's a truly unique, limited opportunity unlike anything you've seen here before! Trust us: You couldn't possibly guess what it is!

For now, we hope you enjoy this one-hour interview with Kevin Gianni -- the first of two such interviews! (Tune back in tomorrow for the thriling "conclusion.")

Listen Now!!


Click the player above to listen here, or download the MP3 file here (right click the link and choose "Save file as..." to save to your hard drive for your own use).

A few notes:? This audio interview was taken in December 2008. There are some references made to Kevin's personal training coaching business, which he and Annmarie are no longer involved in. However, 99.9% of the topics covered should be of great interest to anyone familiar with the Gianni's. In this audio, Kevin shares his insights on:

  • looking young
  • who to look to for mentors
  • what's missing in the natural health movement
  • creating an indoor exercise space
  • Vitamin D
  • abdominal fat-blasting and patience
  • what people really want in terms of health
  • what causes people to hold onto weight
  • the hallmarks of a good fitness coach
  • how he gave up beer and cigarettes
  • the book that started him on the health / nutrition path
  • health challenges on the raw food diet
  • the benefits of mentors
  • graphic candida tales
  • stained and sensitive teeth
  • digestion and gut health
  • what's missing in the world of health
  • the myth of "rice and beans" for adequate protein
  • the basics of "high raw"
  • is it your genes or your environment?
  • Kevin's system for information overload
  • dairy / raw goat's milk?
  • thoughts on marine phytoplankton
  • the agave controversy

Again, don't miss tomorrow's spectacular interview OR this Friday's super-amazing blog post (in which there will be a limited-time offer of great interest to most people in the raw food community!). So, be sure to come back each day this week. You won't be disappointed; we promise!!

You can learn more about and connect with the Gianni's at:

Original Comments

Below, we have included the original comments from this blog post. Additional comments may be made via Facebook, below.

On August 13, 2009, touchsoulstar wrote:

I follow the the Gianni's RFHS and have found the 2 of them to be some of the most honest, accessible, proponents of raw food.
Kevin speaks truthfully from personal experience and I appreciate how he shares with his fans what he has learned.
I like that he isn't a purist, yet focuses on maintaining the basics or the foundation of a healthy diet.
Thanks so much for having this interview. I enjoyed how many topics were covered in one interview. It was nice to hear Kevin's thoughts on so many questions that I too have had. So thanks Jim Dee and Wendi Dee for giving your fans this treat.
Peace and Health

On August 13, 2009, GoRawMe wrote:

Listening to your interview ... great so far ... but had to take a break to say Wow! ... double WOW! ... I completely and utterly disagree with Kevin regarding rebounding. Anyone who says that you can't do a cardio routine on a rebounder, certainly hasn't tried it out. Rebounders are aMAZing for both Lymph release AND cardio. My partner and I both workout on a rebounder ... from 30-60 minutes a session ... and I don't mean whimpy bouncing ... with weights and bounce with intention. Man-oh-man ... try it sometime. And when you are finished wiping the sweat from your brow and admiring the tone of your muscles that you have gained ... then tell me you can't get a real workout. HA!

Okay ... back to listening ... Kevin's got other great things to say.


On August 13, 2009, GoRawMe wrote:

Okay .. I just finished listening. Here's my triple WOW! ... Kevin rawks.

And, of course, I say this I have discovered so much of what Kevin spoke about. We share a tremendous amount in common with our experiences in raw diet, thoughts, even Lyme disease ... and where our explorations have taken us. I could be his mother (I am 52 ... Kevin is 30) in terms of age. I didn't open up to a process of discovery and inquiry (what I call Life) until about 10 years ago ... and it has blossomed over the past 9 months (since I've been raw). I've been a fast learner - explorer - in my raw journey, and feel honored to discover that my journey has taken me to many of the same signposts.

And way to go Kevin! that he hit the place of discovery and inquiry at an early stage of his life journey. And I loved that it was HIS mother that first gave him a book that opened his possibilities. Wow.

I am perfectly content to 'agree to disagree' about rebounding. Who cares! There is so much more to feast on with what Kevin is bringing.

Thanks so very much for doing the interview ... looking forward to part 2 tomorrow!

On August 14, 2009, RawRadiantHealth wrote:

Awesome interview, thank you so much!!!!!

On March 23, 2010, Motorhomes wrote:

that is so relaxing, its the power of our minds...