Know Any Literary Animal Lovers?

Hi there PureJeevan readers! We wanted to let you know that Jim's new novel CHROO is available on Amazon. It's a crazy adventure involving a billionaire heiress, her Chihuahua BFF ("Chroo") and a host of human and animal characters. Find out more on Amazon! Here are some links:

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A few weeks ago, we hosted a Diabetes Awareness week here at Pure Jeevan. This was our contribution to the larger Reversing Diabetes Naturally movement that we blogged about. We wanted to let you know that the package of bonus materials offered to people who purchase the Simply Raw DVD is quite amazing! (See this post for details.) We reviewed all of the materials ourselves, and it's just a ton of great information.

The original deadline for receiving the free bonus materials was the end of April. However, the deadline has been extended through Friday, May 8. So, if you know anyone who has diabetes who could benefit from either the ?Simply Raw? documentary and/or the companion film, ?The Ultimate Enyclopedia of the Raw Food Listyle," simply point them to

The Simply Raw DVD isn't only about diabetes reversal. What we took away from it was the restorative power a raw food diet has on a body. Diabetes reversal is one of the many chronic conditions that has been reversed / cured when a raw food diet is followed. If you haven't seen the documentary, we highly recommend it.

We are leaving our Pure Jeevan Diabetes page up permanently as an information resource for our visitors. That page is at If you'd like to see other helpful information appear on that page, just let us know. Together we can spread the word that diabetes is reversible!

Original Comments

Below, we have included the original comments from this blog post. Additional comments may be made via Facebook, below.

On May 7, 2009, Ze Charnoe wrote:

This is Zee Charnoe, now 86 pounds lighter and with a reduction in insulin from 195 units of two kinds, in 5 injections to one injection of 10 units.
We just learned about the Hunzas long life (120 to 140 years old) and their robust, agile and high mental performance.
The very core of their well being comes from the melting glaciers and drinking the water from those glaciers. The water has an extra electron in the orbital of the hydrogen in the H2O and has colloidal minerals, creating the zeta potential in the water
The roots of a plant give off hydrogen to attract cationic nutrients.
That means sprouts, eaten with their roots, should help provide the same kind of hydrational effect. Jennifer and I have just found a dressing made with hemp oil that can provide the basis of a great sprout salad: Ruth's Honey mustard Hemp Dressing, made in Canada.
That is an immediate solution, while one waits to receive Megahydrate, the silica hydride discovered by Dr. Patrick Flanigan.
This is just meant to provide a heads up about why raw foods heal.
I'm happy to tell more, if and when someone wants to know more.

On May 8, 2009, Joanna_Steven wrote:

I am not a chemist, but I have taken a lot of university level chemistry. The molecule H2O(-) would, to me, be pretty unstable, and the extra electron would be quick to leave and bond with a positively charged molecule. Are you referring to "wet electrons"?