Yesterday was a ton of fun, wasn't it? Sam loves all of the comments, so if you haven't viewed her video, please do -- and let her know how much you enjoyed it!? For today, we just wanted to announce the addition of a permanent new button along the right sidebar of our blog. As you can see, it links to this post from a few weeks back when we first announced a call for guest raw chefs. There, you'll find the details on hosting a segment of Makin' It Monday, just like Sam did.
By the way, just last week, we passed a noteworthy milestone that we didn't mention -- our 500th blog post here at Pure Jeevan. That's a lot of raw foods coverage, right ! Well, we're really still getting started when it comes to the level of information and inspiration we're planning for Pure Jeevan -- so it's great to add new features like this now, as we're able to. Of course, once our home sells and we're finally able to move on to the next phase of our lives, we envision Pure Jeevan exploding with more content than ever before. What fun it'll be to be able to devote ourselves full-time to spreading the word about raw foods!
Original Comments
Below, we have included the original comments from this blog post. Additional comments may be made via Facebook, below.
p class='originalcommentintro'>On July 22, 2009, wrote:
What fun it will be for ALL of us!
Sending positive light-filled vibes to you on that house selling...be sure to put a "SOLD" sign on your Vision Board!
Hugs, Tina
On July 23, 2009, wrote:
Yes, I agree with Tina - loads of fun for everyone. Also sending positive energy your way re your 'sold' home.
Love & Blessings, Lisa