Know Any Literary Animal Lovers?

Hi there PureJeevan readers! We wanted to let you know that Jim's new novel CHROO is available on Amazon. It's a crazy adventure involving a billionaire heiress, her Chihuahua BFF ("Chroo") and a host of human and animal characters. Find out more on Amazon! Here are some links:

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You know that old saying about a picture being worth a thousand words? Well, today we want to add a thousand words to your daily informational intake.

Take the time to meet

Raw Food Photos!

Pure Jeevan's online friend, urban gardner, eco-warrior, and all-around rawkstar Mike Lieberman (aka CanarsieBK) started this clever site up a while back, and it seems to have just one delightful purpose -- to show one picture of a raw food dish per day (well, most days, anyway). Or, maybe it's just to show as many raw foods pictures as people submit!? (Care to share your thoughts, Mike )

Besides being a much-needed repository of delicious-looking raw food photos, the site is also highly inspirational. For anyone who thinks "raw foods" means only "salads," a quick trip to Mike's site will get your wheels spinning and your appetite fully engaged. (That September 24 picture of "Cheesiecake" by Rawaga is so delicious looking, I heard Doug Graham is now renaming his book 10/10/80!)

So, check out Mike's site at, and also friend Mike while you're at it. (You can find him here on Facebook.)

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(Jim here... On a personal note, I'm painfully close to leaving the corporate world once and for all. My job is mostly answering documents known as RFPs. I used to think that, for the rest of my life, those three letters would call to mind the dull, bland, uber-boring phrase, "Request for Proposal." But now, thanks to Mike's web site, I can just think of Raw Food Photos! So, seriously, thanks Mike!)

Original Comments

Below, we have included the original comments from this blog post. Additional comments may be made via Facebook, below.

On October 6, 2009, Mike Lieberman wrote:

Thanks for highlighting this site.

The secret is that I post 1 photo a day Mon-Thurs for now since it's still new.

Yea those kind of RFPs aren't fun. These RFPs are!

On October 6, 2009, nileshbabu wrote:

thx for the site recommendation! never knew raw food beyond salad ;)

On October 7, 2009, tinaintheraw wrote:

Love it Mike! I will send photos soon!

Hugs, Tina