Know Any Literary Animal Lovers?

Hi there PureJeevan readers! We wanted to let you know that Jim's new novel CHROO is available on Amazon. It's a crazy adventure involving a billionaire heiress, her Chihuahua BFF ("Chroo") and a host of human and animal characters. Find out more on Amazon! Here are some links:

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Happy Summer Solstice!

Well, it's officially summer here! This time of the year is extra special to us now that we're healthier. Not only is there an abundance of fresh, local organics to eat, but the sun also shows itself to us a lot more (Pittsbugh is ranked as one of the places experiencing the least amount of sunshine per year). The sun actually used to make me feel physically ill (I wrote a bit about that in an earlier post), but ever since I've switched to a raw vegan diet I find myself drawn to the healing sunshine.

Before switching to a raw lifestyle, we used to go on a lot of outings (picnics) and we'd also go camping. I remember a friend voicing concern when my diet was beginning to change to raw foods. She felt I wouldn't be able to go camping anymore and that things like picnics wouldn't be fun for someone eating a raw food diet. She thought I'd need access to a refrigerator in order to keep all my raw foods fresh and a kitchen where I could prepare the delicious foods she had been seeing me eat.

Fast forward years later and we're professionals at raw foods and going on outings with ease! We know many of you have concerns about being in a group setting where the focus is normally on the food consumed, especially at picnics, so we've put together a few videos to help share what we've learned. Outings for those living a raw food lifestyle can be as simple or complex as you desire. We'll start you off with the easiest way to head out to a park for the day. In this video you'll see how simple and easy it can be to eat a raw food diet and still enjoy yourself on an outing for the day. We focus on truly whole foods that have not gone through any processing at all. After the video, I'll summarize some key points for you to remember.

EDIT: There are two sections of the video where the voice didn't come through. We're working on uploading another version of the video to see if it can be corrected. In the first quiet section, you hear a child crying and Jim explaining (with a bit too much glee in his voice) that the child was just bitten by a duck! I say it wasn't funny, but he thought it was a bit humorous. In the second part, Jim is explaining that while everyone who's been eating cooked foods is feeling tired and a bit lazy, as a raw foodist you'll have abundant energy. He then takes Julia (our dog) on a run to see the BISON!


  • You don't need refrigeration to enjoy a picnic on a raw food diet.
  • It can take as little as ten minutes to pack all that you'll need for the day.
  • Be sure to pack extra because raw food is so vibrant your cooked friends will be asking you to share it.
  • You can pack a very large variety of fruits and veggies that require no refrigeration.
  • You'll find that your need for water is decreased on a water-rich whole foods diet.
  • It's best to bring much more food than you think you could eat because it's much better to bring leftovers home than to be hungry and tempted by cooked foods while you are out.
  • Pack a variety of tastes and plan to include sweet as well as nonsweet foods.
  • While others may be feeling lethargic after eating heavy, cooked foods, you'll find yourself with abundant energy!
  • Going on outings isn't about the food; it's about having FUN!

Additional things to pack for your outing:

  • chef knives
  • cutting board
  • jars of spices and salt
  • kitchen towel
  • one or two bowls and serving spoons

Original Comments

Below, we have included the original comments from this blog post. Additional comments may be made via Facebook, below.

On June 22, 2009, Lois Kubota wrote:

Great picnic ideas. Thanks so much for sharing. I have a lunch date with some friends coming up and I think I will use the same idea.

On June 23, 2009, Melissa wrote:

Great video! Too bad about the sound, though - at least most of it came through. What an incredible looking spread. I don't know whether I'm just hungry today (which I am) or what, but that didn't seem like too much food to me.
Thanks for the inspiration.
~ Melissa

On June 24, 2009, rawvelous wrote:

Very very nice video! I miss you guys so much! Jim and KDCat look great! Where's WendiDee's smiling face ?
