Organizing the 3-Day Raw Food Spiritual Ashram Retreat has brought with it the bonus of meeting some fantastic people and the opportunity to learn about their amazing raw food snack companies.
In recent Take the Time Tuesday blog entries, we introduced you to some of those generous raw food companies. They'll be contributing samples of their raw products for some delicious gift baskets that each individual will receive during the retreat. I'm happy to say that we have even more generous companies offering to fill the baskets, as well!
Take the time to meet...
Love Force
Good Stuff by Mom and Me
We've been eating Love Force raw treats in our home for over a year. They make organic energy bars and bread! Our favorites are the Chocolate Mint Energy Bar and the Sun-Flax Original Bread.
Although we haven't tried products from Good Stuff by Mom and Me, yet, we already know they are filled with love! It's a beautiful thing to see a mother and daughter working together to make the world a better place! They have a large raw food line of products, too.
I hope you'll take some time to check out these generous companies.Love Force and Good Stuff by Mom and Me have a lot of yummy treats that allow you to fully enjoy organic, raw foods, without feeling like you are missing out on packaged snacks!?