Know Any Literary Animal Lovers?

Hi there PureJeevan readers! We wanted to let you know that Jim's new novel CHROO is available on Amazon. It's a crazy adventure involving a billionaire heiress, her Chihuahua BFF ("Chroo") and a host of human and animal characters. Find out more on Amazon! Here are some links:

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As you can see from yesterday's post, Pure Jeevan keeps extremely busy during the year. What's up for 2010? Let's just say... more amazing information, inspiration, education, motivation, and cutting-edge health features! This post will be considerably shorter than last year's counterpart. In January 2009, we ran a 3-part series on looking back and looking ahead. While that was super-productive from a planning perspective, a few important points come to mind as we ponder the same issues once again:

  • We're still not finished with 2009's goals!? Just because 2009 has ended doesn't mean that we, or you, necessarily have to abandon all old plans in favor of new ones. So, much of what we need to do this coming year is a continuation from last year.
  • While a big part of last year's "big life lesson" was learning to be patient (also still true), much of last year's learning taught us to "go with the flow" a little more than we used to.It's often tough to plan well, as so many things are beyond our control in this highly dynamic life -- which is part of what makes it all so delightfully wonderful. So, just as patience is critical, it's also necessary to live in a way that does not simply await opportunities, but also a way that allows the flexibility to adapt to opportunities and/or obstacles that differ from your master plan -- to make mid-course corrections, in other words. For example, who would have thought that our home would spend the entirety of 2009 on the market? That lesson in dealing with frustration ultimately led to our postponing our RV trip, which in turn affected our ability to select a new home town. Another enormous unforseen complication was the Lyme disease.

Well, our home is still on the market (though things are looking up, we think), and Wendi is certainly on the mend now from Lyme. So, we're confident that during this coming year, you'll see Pure Jeevan grow by leaps and bounds over the past two. As for the health challenge, Wendi's experiences as a result of Lyme disease have brought us to a fork in the road that we hadn't previously known existed. What we've been learning is thrilling, and we look forward to sharing it all with you as the year progresses. You see, what we're learning isn't only related to Lyme disease; it's going to help all of you attain higher levels of health! (We know we keep hyping that, but it's just THAT major. And, we promise we'll get to it soon.)

But enough of our post for now... What would YOU like to see more of (or less of) here on Pure Jeevan's blog ? What were your favorite features or posts last year?

Remember, Pure Jeevan exists to inspire YOU! So, don't be shy. Let us know how we can best serve you.

Original Comments

Below, we have included the original comments from this blog post. Additional comments may be made via Facebook, below.

On January 5, 2010, TerriDactyl wrote:

Of course I'd like to see more of the new health information you're teasing us with, . . . but I think Pure Jeevan is doing just fine.

More Making it Monday videos would be good, or recipe series videos, like the dressings would be nice. I don't mind reading recipes, but when you see someone make them in just a few minutes, it takes the overwhelm away and puts in a feeling of "I can do that."

Love you guys, Terri

On January 5, 2010, Gary wrote:

Dear Jim & wendi, while I have benefitted in many ways since I''ve joined the PJ family already, I would like to seeore content directed toward those of us are in the beginning to intermediate stages of transitioning to a raw food lifestyle, personal insights as to some of the stumbling blocks you & Wendi faced (and others you know of as well) when you both were switching over and remember that there are some of us out here that are not seasoned (non pun intended) veterans in not only going raw but staying raw..! Thanks.... Gary - Oregon

On January 5, 2010, TerriDactyl wrote:

I don't even know what a full feed is, so I can't say anything about that.

I like what Gary said though. Transitioning hasn't been easy. I'm not sure what you would do differently though. The time that you (Wendi) wrote me and let me know that you yourself took your time transitioning really helped me to stop beating up on myself for losing control and giving into cravings. Maybe it would help to be reminded every now and then what you guys went through in the beginning.

On January 6, 2010, KL wrote:

Happy New Year! I've been delighted to read Pure Jeevan in 2009 and I'm certain 2010 will only shine brighter. I'd love to see more of the psychological issues of raw food explored, the aspects of energy as they pertain to health and more interviews with raw foodies who can share a new perspective. Surprisingly enough the written essays of people's journeys to raw foods are not so inspiring for me, however the interviews are fabulous. I appreciate the work of Pure Jeevan--it's motivated me more times than I can count. Thank you. Many positive healing thoughts are being sent your way.... KL

On January 6, 2010, bitt wrote:

This is more of a question...I'd like to get new posts emailed to me or in my google reader. Thanks!

On January 7, 2010, WendiDee wrote:

Thanks, Terri! Your comment is included in our update that's going up soon. :-)


On January 7, 2010, WendiDee wrote:

Thanks! Your comment is being used in our update that's going up soon. :-)


On January 7, 2010, WendiDee wrote:

Thanks, Gary! Your comment is being used in our update that's going up soon. :-)


On January 7, 2010, WendiDee wrote:

Sure thing! We'll be sharing even more! :-)


On January 7, 2010, WendiDee wrote:

Thanks, KL! Your comment is being used in our update that's going up soon. :-)


On January 7, 2010, WendiDee wrote:

Thanks, Bitt! Your comment is being used in our update that's going up soon. :-)