Know Any Literary Animal Lovers?

Hi there PureJeevan readers! We wanted to let you know that Jim's new novel CHROO is available on Amazon. It's a crazy adventure involving a billionaire heiress, her Chihuahua BFF ("Chroo") and a host of human and animal characters. Find out more on Amazon! Here are some links:

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Thinking of Writing a "My Raw Story" Piece for Pure Jeevan's Blog

Fantastic! We d love to consider running your raw story to help inspire others. Please know that the "My Raw Story" series isn't only about success with weight loss on the raw food diet. It's about an overall life change that happens when a raw food diet is followed. We want to hear how your life was dramatically changed by adopting a raw food lifestyle. Below are some guidelines to help you submit your story:

  • We are mostly interested in stories from those who have been living a raw food lifestyle for six months, or longer, which shows this is a lifestyle that is easy to follow, rather than a fad.


  • Please include before and after images that releate to your story. Send up to twelve images (note that not all images may be used, but we will try to include as many as possible in the article). Please email them to Rawdiant [at]


  • Your article should be written in the first person; your words about your story are what interest others.


  • Please know that this series is not about marketing services or products by those who are sharing their stories. We ask that those with a businesses or products simply include links at the bottom of their articles for others to find out more about you (business, blog, twitter, facebook, etc.).


  • Any articles that have a sales/marketing sound to them are either edited or not used for the series. We *do* want individuals to link to their businesses and sites, however. We simply want the keep the focus of the articles about inspiration for those learning about the raw foods lifestyle.


  • We'll notify you prior to posting your story, so that you can alert your readers that you've been featured on Pure Jeevan's blog.


  • Our blog has a few thousand followers, so be prepared to see some traffic on your own site/blog. If you haven't updated your blog recently, now's a good time to do so! :-)


  • If you'd like to read My Raw Story posts from others, you can see them all here.

If your story is selected to be featured on the Pure Jeevan blog, we will notify you when it is running. At that time, you are welcome to post the following graphic ...

... on your site(s), linking it drectly to your featured article! (If you don't know how to find a direct link to your article, please let us know and we'll help you.)

Thanks so very much for considering being a part of this My Raw Story series. Together we are inspiring so many people to also make positive changes in their lives!