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When I first decided to try a raw food diet again (I had sampled it for about three months a few years before going completely raw), I wanted to do it in a way to prove that it either does or doesn t work. The best way to do that, I figured, was through consistent blood tests. So, that s what I did. I have continued to document my path to health with regular blood tests. Many of you know that the results have been remarkable. My dramatic shift in weight is the most obvious to others, but there were equally impressive changes going on inside my body, as well.

It has been about a year since my last blood work was done, so I knew I should schedule an appointment to get the testing done soon (since I want to keep the tests somewhat yearly). I tend to always put the testing off, however. As much as I m curious about the results, the truth is that I m terrified of needles. Over the past few months, I was continuing to put this yearly testing off, but something has spurred me to get it done sooner than later.

Here s something that I haven t told many people: I think I have Lyme disease. That s reason enough to push past my needle fear, since now I need a test for Lyme disease, as well. (I refuse to do it in more than one visit please just get all the blood you need as I try to not faint. I don t want to have to go through this again for another year!).

I wasn t going to say much here on the blog, for several reasons. For example:

  • What if it isn t Lyme disease?
  • What if there s something going wrong in my body and it takes a while to figure it out?
  • If I mention that my health isn t so great the past few months, would it scare people away from trying the raw food diet?

So, I didn't mention it. I wouldn t want anyone to think that a raw food diet brings ill health, because I know based on my past test results that a raw food diet can and does help a body heal in many ways. You can review all of the stories of healing in our My Raw Story series, as well, to see that it really is possible for the body to heal with a raw food lifestyle.

Even though I ve been having some health concerns the past few months, I hope everyone new to the raw food lifestyle will still understand that the body can do amazing things if we consume the freshest, ripest, raw fruits and veggies. What I m going through will eventually be understood and I m sure that eating a raw food diet is not what is causing my problems. I m pretty sure what I m going through is brought about by Lyme disease, but if it isn t I ll be working diligently to find an answer and share it with all of you.

Here s why I m pretty sure my problem is Lyme disease:

  • I have a circular rash on the side of my neck (a classic sign of Lyme disease, known as Erythema chronicum migrans, or "EM"), close to my hairline and slightly behind my ear;
  • I ve been experiencing sudden onset and increased amounts of joint/arthritis-type pain over the past two months; and
  • Developing pain out of seemingly nowhere just doesn t make any sense in a healthy body.

The pain started suddenly in my shoulders a few months ago. It continued to increase to the point where it brought tears to my eyes many times. It has since continued to worsen, and I now also have pain in my wrists (particularly my right one), neck, upper spine, and sometimes my hips and feet. The rash has gotten bigger, but doesn t have a definite bulls-eye look to it. (Mine is only slightly lighter in the center.) Over the past month, the pain has become so severe at times that I find myself reverting to the pain-type breathing that I did when I was in labor; this usually happens whenever I accidentally move my shoulders or wrists in a way that brings about excruciating pain.

Meditation has been helpful. I realize that I can have pain in my body, while still being at peace by simply accepting that this is what my body is experiencing and I don t need to identify with it. It s hard to explain, but once I was able to do that it brought me a lot of relief. I m not saying I m not still brought to tears at times because of the pain, but most of the time I m able to just go with it and not let it control my life. I just accept it. However, I don t passively accept it. I am actively working on figuring out what is going on so that I can eventually be pain-free again.

It s baffling to me. I guess at some level I really thought that a raw food body can handle just about anything. I had no idea that I could be so healthy, yet not so healthy all at the same time. I still feel that other than the pain these past two months, my body is extremely healthy. I wonder how this would feel if I wasn t eating a raw diet. Would the symptoms be masked by how ill I d be feeling from eating cooked foods? Would I just have assumed that these pains were simply another level on my downward spiral to worsening health?

So, today I go in for some blood work. While there, I ll be having all sorts of tests done (which I ll openly share with all of you when the results are in). I ll also share the amazing spreadsheet that Jim has created to document my path to health. It shows my blood test results from before I was eating a raw food diet, when I was trying some Metformin medication, when I was transitioning to the raw diet, one year raw, two years raw, and now three years raw (when the results are in). I m interested in seeing how this pain shows up on the test. I ll be tested for the normal things, Lyme disease, some common vitamins/minerals, as well as standard arthritis testing.

Please share all you know about Lyme disease and natural cures. I m leaning toward taking the antibiotics, coupled with some herbs, but I m not certain what I ll do. I m hesitant about taking medications, but this pain is quite severe and I read that if caught early enough the antibiotics can kill the Lyme bacteria and offer pain relief as a result. Being pain-free is very desirable right now. However, I m a bit worried about taking antibiotics, since they can really wreak havoc on the body and they aren t natural. Share your thoughts and experiences, please. I ll end up following my instincts on this one, but it s always good to hear from others so that I can be better informed before making a decision.

Thanks! And lots of love to you,




p.s. Some of you have mentioned that I've been quieter lately online. Well now you probably understand why. Not only is it painful to sit at the computer and type, but I've been a bit tired. ;-) I still love you all so very much; I just need to take some extra care of my body while I'm going through whatever this is.

Original Comments

Below, we have included the original comments from this blog post. Additional comments may be made via Facebook, below.

On August 19, 2009, raw bloke wrote:

If you've been raw and vegan for awhile, (and even if not), you'll want to make sure your Vitamin D and B12 levels are adequate.

Vitamin D is low in a lot of people and can be a source of joint and muscle pain.
Low B12 can wreak havoc in all sorts of ways besides the known neurological issues. The neurological issues set in in a noticeable way at the standard "deficiency level", but simply having a low B12 level can cause problems before neurological issues arise, such as endothelial inflammation throughout the digestive tract.

On August 19, 2009, Mary wrote:

Wendi, if it is Lyme, please consider the antibiotics. You can detox afterward, and I don't think there is any other way to get rid of the Lyme. As you are already seeing, Lyme is quite serious. My best to you.


On August 19, 2009, JoAnn wrote:

You know I will be on my knees praying for you... No Matter If it is Lyme.. ( Which I believe it will not be ) God is Able more than able to heal you.. So My prayers begin... I love you.. ... xoxoxoxoxo Jesus Is Bigger than any diease on this earth. I can say that with full conviction....

On August 19, 2009, langelbleu wrote:
I just wrote a long comment about this and trying to log into disqus ate it!
the above link is for the one lab in the country that can do conclusive lyme testing. It is considered the industry standard with lyme literate doctors and other healthcare practitioners.
If you test positive for lyme please please please do not hesitate to take the antibiotics, I have seen far too many people's mental and physical health be destroyed by chronic lyme up here in Lyme epidemic territory.

Japanese Knotweed is good for acute early onset lyme pain
Crushed Raw Garlic as well as Cat's Claw are good for working on killing the buggers.

Good luck, I hope you have conclusive answers quickly and can begin appropriate treatment for whatever ails you soon.

On August 19, 2009, Wren wrote:

Please don't refuse the antibiotics -- as the poster above said, you can detox afterward. As someone who lives with the pain of rheumatoid arthritis, I absolutely empathise with you regarding the pain you're experiencing. If taking antibiotics will work to rid yourself of Lyme disease and reduce your pain, the temporary "havoc" will be well worth it.

My heart goes out to you. I hope you DON'T have Lyme, or any other serious, hard-to-treat autoimmune system disease. Sending calm, quiet, healthy vibes and best wishes to you through the ether...

On August 19, 2009, Mike Lieberman wrote:

Wishing you the best Wendi

On August 19, 2009, nashima wrote:

hi wendi, so sorry to hear you are not feeling well...
if you do decide to take antibiotics, make sure to supplement your body with good probiotics, before, during, and after as to maintain a healthy micro flora and not to create any imbalance. (A good way to get probiotics is also to eat lots of (unpasteurized) sauerkraut, YUM!)
hope you feel better soon. sending you lots of love and light and thoughts of good health : )

On August 19, 2009, raw_lif3 wrote:

Wendi! I'm so sad to hear about what you are going through. Chronic pain is no small thing. You are very strong to be dealing with it through meditation.
Do whatever you have to do to be at your healthiest... even if that happens to be the pharmaceutical route. You don't have to explain it to people if you don't want to, just do what you need to do to be healthy and pain-free.

One thing that you have going for you is that with raw food and living naturally, your body is probably very strong. Whatever method you decide to use to get rid of the Lymes (or whatever this is), your body will probably heal better than most people.

Sending lots of love and positive energy your way!!

(PS Accupuncture might be something to look into... it helped me get over a virus last winter)

On August 19, 2009, carolcmcc wrote:

Wishing you good health. If it is Lyme disease, you might want to confer with Kevin Gianni, I recall that he had it last year and went for the antibiotics.

On August 19, 2009, R_Eli wrote:

Dear wndi, wishing you all the best. Get better soon

On August 19, 2009, earthmother wrote:

Shining Light and Sending Love. Hoping for the best.

I know a number of folks who chose not to use antibiotics, and went the homeopathic route to cure their Lymes.

On August 20, 2009, Jo wrote:

Hi Wendy
I don't usually comment. But My advice would be to seek out an experienced naturopath/herbalist who looks at the whole person. The raw food diet is amazing but as any working practitioner will tell you, diet isn't the only factor when looking at both disease and great health.
In my clinic here in the UK I use diet, healing and herbs to support the emotional/spiritual imbalances that are always present with any and every health imbalance I have treated.
Even the strongest of us need some outside help and perspective from time to time.
From your very open and enjoyable blog, it seems you have been through an emotional time - maybe the disease will 'allow' you to heal on a deeper level.
herbs or antibiotics? Both could be the answer, but seek professional holistic help and do whats correct for your body and situation.
God blessx.

On August 20, 2009, Robyn wrote:

Wendi~ I would highly recommend getting antibiotics as quickly as you can from your doctor. It really does sound like lyme disease to me. There are several herbal protocols for lyme disease, one of which is being developed by an herbalist who suffers from lyme disease in my area. I know a couple of herbalists who have contracted the disease or have family members who have and they all recommend antibiotics first then an herbal protocol. Misty Meadows Herb Farm in Lee, NH is the place near me (her name is Wendy also) and I believe Stephen Buhner has written a very comprehensive book on the subject as well. My heart goes out to you as I know living in pain is not pleasant. Find a Reiki practitioner in your area and set up an appointment with them to help you manage the pain in the meantime. It will really help.

On August 20, 2009, sherylmiller wrote:

All the best Wendi with the diagnosis and get better real soon.

I beleive in the raw food diet and all the healing that it brings!
Sounds like lots of people above have good ideas!

Thanks so much for posting when you are ill and letting everybody be a part of your world!
sheryl miller

On August 20, 2009, Joanna_Steven wrote:

Dear Wendi! I hope that you get better soon. I really hate to know you in pain :( I would take the antibiotics too, and take lots of probiotics afterwards. I read that during treatment, they'll only get killed by the antibiotics. *hugs*

On August 20, 2009, tinaintheraw wrote:

Hi Wendi,

Sending you hugs sweetie. As many have said here, take the antibiotics and detox/re-flora your intestines afterwards. My husband had the scare too and it was difficult for him to get up the stairs in our home. He started on the antibiotics and was on the road to recovery pronto. He has no lingering effects of it. Of course, keep up the healthy eating while on the anitbiotics, for sure! I feel that these type of (hopefully) infrequent serious occurences are when medicine is appropriate and good. It is when we are constantly over-medicated for issues that becomes an issue for the human body.

Sending positive light and snuggly hugs to you luv,

On August 20, 2009, Errigal_lass wrote:

Thinking of you, Wendi. Love, Tracey

On August 20, 2009, lonedoggy wrote:

I was low in both B12 and D3 DO GET these checked with your blood tests.
Also see my blog at . Good luck with your tests!

On August 20, 2009, Robin wrote:

Definitely - take the antibiotics and detox when the Lyme disease is dead!

I am usually VERY anti-medication. I don't even own Tylenol. But if it were me, that's what I would do.

Take care!


On August 21, 2009, gcartorlmt wrote:

Wendi, keeping you in loving positive thoughts. Have you checked out essential oils, I have been working with the Young Living oils and products with amazing results. You may want to see if there is anyone in your area that does the Raindrop Therapy. The oils used are highly antibactieral, antiviral and way safer than some of the other treatments. There are also blends for relieving pain.
If I can be of any help just let me know.

On August 22, 2009, JSOhlander wrote:

Wendi - I will hold you in my thoughts in the perfect health that I know you have inside of you!

On August 24, 2009, WendiDee wrote:

Thanks, Raw Bloke. Yes, I've been raw for a while and have my B12 and Vit D checked. I was shocked the first time the Vit D results came low they were. We're moving to a sunnier location (no kidding)!

I'm headed back to the doctor today and will report back later this week or next week. The pain is quite severe and I want to figure it out and help my body heal as soon as possible.

Thanks for your comment.

Lots of love to you,


p.s. You posted a longer comment that showed up in my inbox, but not here on the blog (the links were flagged as spam). Thanks for all the info, tthough!

On August 24, 2009, WendiDee wrote:

Thanks, Mary. We still don't know what's causing the pain. I'm definitely taking this seriously and won't fool around with my health.


Lots of love to you,


On August 24, 2009, WendiDee wrote:

Thanks, Mom. :-)


On August 24, 2009, WendiDee wrote:

Thanks, Jen. Disqus is giving us a problem with comments lately--sorry about that.

We still don't know what's going on with me and the pain. I head back to the doctor today. I'll keep everyone posted.

I did some cat's claw and felt great at first. The second time I got a wicked headache that lasted nearly 12 hours. Maybe I was taking too much of it.

Thanks, again!

Lots of love to you,


On August 24, 2009, WendiDee wrote:

Thanks, Wren! I'm so sorry you live with pain every day. The raw food diet almost always helps the body heal so that there is no pain, so I hope you'll find some relief.

As for me, I still have no idea what's going on. I'm headed back to the doctor today. I'll keep everyone posted on what's going on. I'm taking my health seriously, as always.

Thanks, again.

lots of love to you,


On August 24, 2009, WendiDee wrote:

Thanks, Mike! I'm headed back to the doctor today, still trying to figure this pain out and help my body heal from whatever is going on.

Lots of love to you,


On August 24, 2009, WendiDee wrote:

Thanks, Nashima! We're still trying to figure out what's going on. I'll update later this week or early next week with test results. I hope we can figure it out soon. I'd definitely take probiotics if I was on an antibiotic. Thanks!

Lots of love to you,


On August 24, 2009, WendiDee wrote:

Thanks, Bethany! You are so loving and supportive. :-) I'm headed back to the doctor today...still not sure what's causing all this pain. I'll update later this week or next week on how things are going.

Lots of love to you,


p.s. If I get over the fear of the needles, I know just the people to talk with about the accupuncture. ;-)

On August 24, 2009, WendiDee wrote:

Thanks, Carol! I've already been talking with Kevin. He's the first person I thought of. ;-)

We still don't know what this is, but we'll find out soon.

Lots of love to you,


On August 24, 2009, WendiDee wrote:

Thanks so much!! :-)

Lots of love to you,


On August 24, 2009, WendiDee wrote:

Thanks, lovely Earth Mother! :-)

We still don't know what's causing the pain. I head back to the doctor today, so I'll share results later this week or next week.

Lots of love to you,


On August 24, 2009, WendiDee wrote:

Thanks, Jo. I definitely know diet isn't the only factor for health...but it really is a big part of it. I'm headed back to the doctor today and I hope we can figure this out. I am a firm believer in holistic health, so I won't be neglecting anything that can aid me in healing and being as healthy as possible.

My holistic doctor died last year, so I'll be seeing the person who took over her practice today. If he's not a holisitic doctor, I'll be searching for someone else to help me. Thanks for your comment.

Lots of love to you,


On August 24, 2009, WendiDee wrote:

Thanks, Robyn. I'm waiting to find out if it's really Lyme before I consider the antibiotics. I'm in a lot of pain and lyme (because of the rash and sudden onset of arthritic-type pain) seems to be the most likely cause. But, I don't want to treat my body for something until I'm sure. So, I'm headed back to the doctor today. I'll be updating later this week or next about what we find out.

Thanks so much.

Lots of love to you,


On August 24, 2009, WendiDee wrote:

Thanks, Sheryl. :-) I'm still in pain and trying to figure this out. I'll be posting later this week or next week with what I find. I'm headed to the doctor again in a little bit to talk about test results, etc.

Thanks, again.

Lots of love to you,


On August 24, 2009, WendiDee wrote:

Thanks, Joanna. You are so sweet. I don't have a diagnosis, yet. I'm headed to the doctor in a few minutes to talk over test results, etc. I really don't like being in pain and I want to do anything possible to help my body heal quickly!

Lots of love to you,


On August 24, 2009, WendiDee wrote:

Thanks, Tina! We're still not sure it's Lyme. I'm headed to see the doctor in a bit to go over test results, etc. I'm definitely leaning toward antibiotics because this pain is severe and I want it gone quickly if possible. If it's not Lyme, though, I'll have to find out something else to help wtih the pain and figure out how to help my body heal.

Thanks for the light, hugs, and love!

Lots of love to you, too.


On August 24, 2009, WendiDee wrote:

Tracey, thanks so much for your thoughts. :-) I still don't know what's causing the pain, but I'm working on figuring it out.

Lots of love to you,


On August 24, 2009, WendiDee wrote:

Thanks, Robin! I'm waiting to find out if it's definitely Lyme before taking the antibiotics. Whatever is causing the pain, I want to help my body heal as quickly as possible.

Lots of love to you,


On August 24, 2009, WendiDee wrote:

Thanks so much, G. I never heard of Raindrop Therapy. I'm waiting for a diagnosis, but then I'll look into ways to heal. I've been using some essential oils for bacteria, just in case it's Lyme. But, I'm still in pain. I'm headed to the doctor today to find out more about my test results.

Lots of love to you,


On August 24, 2009, WendiDee wrote:

Thanks so much, JS! That was really sweet. :-) It's not easy keeping thoughts positive when the body is in pain, but I'm working on it. I'll report back when I know more about what is going on with my body.

Thanks, again.

Lots of love to you,


On August 26, 2009, Wren wrote:

Just checking back in to find out how you're doing, Wendi. One of the commenters above mentioned acupuncture, and you mentioned your fear of needles.

I've never liked needles much, either, but several years ago I wrote a story for the local newspaper I worked for about an acupunturist who'd set up a practice in our small town. It just so happened that the day of my visit and interview with him, I was experiencing RA pain in my hands and my feet. The acupuncturist noticed my limp (I was embarrassed) and offered to demonstrate how acupuncture might help relieve the pain. Well, I couldn't say no, though I was nervous about the idea of having needles stuck into my body.

To my great surprise, it didn't hurt at all -- in fact, I barely felt the needles, which were inserted by the acupuncturist with a small tap. It was the tap I felt, not the needles. He also inserted a couple of needles that were connected to a very light electric charge. Felt like a tiny buzz. No pain.

The treatment lasted for about 45 minutes. I dozed off, I was so comfortable. And to my great surprise, when it was over the pain in my hands and feet was nearly gone. I still felt perhaps 30 percent of the pain I'd had when I walked in, but what a difference! And along with the relief of pain, I felt completely relaxed -- almost blissful -- afterward.

Needless to say, I was sold on acupuncture. The only problem was that my health insurance wouldn't cover visits to an acupunturist, and at the time, they were $60 per visit. Far more than I could afford as a small-town journalist.

I hope you'll give it a try. It really, really doesn't hurt, and the results may well be worth a little apprehension.

Good luck. My best wishes to you and Jim,

On August 26, 2009, Wren wrote:

Oh, and by the way: The pain relief I experienced lasted for about four days. The acupuncturist told me that while acupuncture could not cure rheumatoid arthritis, it could make it much easier to bear. I'd need to start with several weekly visits, which would eventually become monthly, or as needed. I couldn't afford it, unfortunately. But since then (this was about 12 years ago), a lot of health insurance providers have relented and will now cover at least a portion of the cost of seeing an acupuncturist. Again, it's worth a try.

On August 28, 2009, chiropractic training wrote:

Wish you all the best Wendy.. I just want you to know that we are praying for you and of course, don't also forget to pray.. God is only waiting us to submit ourselves to him ... Wish you good health.. cheers!!

On September 6, 2009, kevan wrote:

Hi Wendy
Here are some links that you might want to look at:

The following links are provided as a comprehensive collection of online resources involving alternative treatments for Lyme disease. These links are provided to assist in your own personal research, but do not imply endorsement. These alternative treatments should not replace the standard treatments for Lyme disease, such as antibiotics. Many of the links are geared toward those who have the chronic form of the disease, and LymeInfo advises extra caution when evaluating for-profit sites. The sites listed here are, for the most part, limited to specific 'remedies', as opposed to general health approaches. LymeInfo's position on this collection is that the mere quantity helps demonstrate that if any of these were truly a miracle approach, the list would be a lot shorter.

Although the list of ideas can be overwhelming, there are some key supplements Lyme disease patients take including a multi-vitamin, magnesium, essential fatty acids, probiotics, Co-Q10, and a B-complex. Many products are available for good prices at Check with your doctor for proper dosages. In order to receive treatment tailored to your own unique needs, Lymeinfo believes that it is always best to be treated by a licensed holistic practitioner knowledgeable about Lyme disease and/or any associated conditions you may experiencing. There are many self-proclaimed experts in the alternative health field with misleading titles, but one resource for finding a thoroughly trainined natural practitioner is May you have health and happiness!

First Stops:
Books on Lyme Alternatives
Glutathione Depletion-Methylation Cycle Block Hypothesis
2008: Vitamin D Deficiency Study Raises New Questions
Nutraceutical Breakthroughs in Lyme
Treating Lyme with Herbs and Homeopathics
Vitamins, Nutritional Supplements, and Herbs
LymeInfo: Candida
LymeInfo: Magnesium
LymeInfo: Thiamin

Doctor Articles:
Dr. Vojdani: Potential for CAM Intervention in Lyme
Dr. Bock: Integrative Treatment of Lyme Disease
Dr. Ehrlich: Lyme and Complementary Medicine
Dr. Klinghardt: A Look Beyond Antibiotics (.pdf)
Dr. Horowitz: Herbs, Hormones & Heavy Metals (.pdf)
Dr Bradford: Lyme Disease in Townsend Letter
Dr. Khan: TCM Approach to Lyme
Dr. Howenstine: More on Lyme in Townsend Letter
Dr. Whitmont: Homeopathy and Lyme Disease
Dr. Crist: Nutrient Deficiencies
Dr. Gardner: Treating Lyme Disease Naturally
Dr. Waterhouse: Synergy Health Newsletter
Dr. Burrascano: 2002 Nutritional Supplement Guidelines
Dr. Zand: Lyme Disease
Dr. Burgdorfer: From Penicillin to Mild Silver Protein
Dr. Kennedy: Lyme Disease and Cat's Claw
Prof. Nicolson: Therapy of Chronic Coinfections (see reports)

Other Articles:
Body Bio Detox
D. Chinnici's Alternative to Antibiotics
Glutathione Report (.pdf)
Vitamin C and Salt
Lyme Treatment with Chinese Herbs
Herbs with anti-Lyme potential
Buhner Protocol
Herbs for Lyme Disease
Green Pharmacy for Lyme
Healing Lyme with Herbs
How to Treat Lyme with Herbs
How to Treat Lyme with Natural Supplements
Holistic Treatments for Lyme
Treat Lyme with Chinese Herbal Medicines
Lyme Disease and Andrographis
Product- Spironil
Product- Biotox Elim
Product- Lyme-Aid
Lady Barbara's Garden
Lyme Herbal Formulas
Coptis as cyst buster
Lyme Disease and Cat's Claw
Samento - Peruvian cat's claw
More on Samento
Artemesia for Babesiosis
Ridoxolan Immune SupportFormula
Spilanthes acmella
Zhang protocol discussion
More on Spilanthes
Botanical Treatment Video

On September 6, 2009, kevan wrote:

Kevan again. You can get to the links by going to

On September 12, 2009, Chris wrote:

Hi Wendi,

I was messaging to Jim a week or so back when I heard about the pain you are in. Chronic pain can be such a emotional/spiritual drain. I remember when I had broken ribs/collapsed lung and soft tissue damage. I knew things were healing yet the almost constant pain had me in despair from time to time, no fun!

I've also had gout in my foot and arthritic shooting pains in my hands from time to time a few years ago, so to have that sort of pain all the time, I can just imagine.

Just from meeting Jim for a tiny bit of time, I know he's a great guy to have in your corner! Lean on that push-ups guy, I hope that as you try to figure out what's going on you will reach out to friends and family if you start to feel low. Oh yeah and have him give you a Hula show to lift your spirits! :)

Hang in there! I can see that a lot of people are rooting for you :)

On October 8, 2009, Karen wrote:

Hello Wendy,
I only today have read about what you have been going through, I am so sorry to hear of all you have suffered. I am trusting that by now you have found solutions & are free from pain. I have been a raw-enthusiast-not-always-raw-vegan since 1979. In Dec 1988 I was bitten by a tick and became ill with Lyme disease. I was also in terrible pain, and finally took antibiotics, which did nothing for me. Looking back, I was glad for that, because I really did not want suppressed Lyme disease driven into my body to heal later, on top of whatever it was that made me susceptible to Lyme. Eventually I was treated successfully by homeopathy; I have been symptom free since 1989. It is a fascinating story that I should write up. As a homeopath I have successfully treated several cases of Lyme disease since that time. I have gained many insights since my journey of learning about Lyme began 21 years ago, which I would be happy to share with you if you would like.

Meanwhile, I envision your vital force to be strong and your spirits high. thank you so much for all of the inspiration you share!

Love & blessings,