As some of you already know, along with regaining my physical health I've also been working on every other aspect of my overall health and being. I don't just want a healthy body---I want the whole package (vibrancy and bliss inside and out, in every way possible).
One area of my mental health that has been slow to heal is my self confidence. I continue to work on it in many ways and have made some tremendous progress over the past year, or so. I feel worthy of so much more than I ever did before.Many people never doubt their self worth---they have a good sense of who they are and assume that others see them as they are, as well.
For many reasons I didn't reach adulthood with much self confidence. I faked it pretty well, as I did many things, so that others wouldn't focus attention on me. All of this physical healing on raw, however, gave me the courage and energy to go even deeper within and nourish the dormant seed of self that was always there, waiting to blossom. If you've been following me from the beginning of my journey, you've been witnessing the unfoldment of the beautiful being I've always been (we are all beautiful in every way!).
My journey is still long and my unfoldment is still happening. Sometimes I get a flush of happiness, seeing into the future. I know that one day I'm going to be strong, confident, and more beautiful in every way that I can't even imagine right now. It's exciting to be on this journey of self discovery, to be witnessing my own growth while also helping others as they begin their own journeys.
I've found that the more I allow my true self to emerge, the more I share who I truly am with others, the more my life moves along in a smooth and positive direction. Each time I share more about myself, hesitating before doing so, I am overjoyed to be viewed in positive ways by others. I do know that one day I'll be confident enough to no longer require outside validation to feel good about who I am. For now, however, that's the stage I'm in---and it's a much better place than where I used to be (any compliment used to make me extremely uncomfortable).
- Dhrumil Purohit
Today I am thankful for all of the recognition and appreciation of who I am and what I'm doing. There are many people who have been encouraging me in my personal growth and I am thankful to each and every one of them. Today, however, I want to specifically thank Dhrumil Purohit and his We Like It Raw blog.
Recently Dhrumil, who created the amazingly popular and helpful Give It To Me Raw online community, created Masala, a list of the hottest raw food blogs online. On that list of amazing bloggers you'll find this blog you are reading right now: Pure Jeevan! What an absolute honor and a tremendous confidence booster! In addition to that, Dhrumil recently asked me to consider writing an article to be featured in his "My Way" series on the We Like It Raw blog. Wow! Someone wants me to share a story about a week of my life, and then wants to share that story with his readers? (Here's a link to the My Way article I wrote. It's about my week away in Florida.) I am thankful that Dhrumil and We Like It Raw recognized me and what I'm doing!
I'll let you in on something. I was thrilled more than I let on, not wanting to let my lack of self confidence be so obvious. But, here I am spilling it all out, anyway. It's okay that I'm sharing it, though. I've realized more and more that my sharing has been helping and inspiring others. We're all on our own paths, either at the bottom of a mountain looking up, finding a path and slowly climbing, or sitting at the summit. By sharing my own path with all of you, I hope to continually inspire those of you who sometimes feel it's too difficult to make changes. Just Go For It! It's your life, your adventure, so why not live it ?The most beautiful journey awaits you; it's a journey I'll never regret taking!?
What are you thankful for today
Original Comments
Below, we have included the original comments from this blog post. Additional comments may be made via Facebook, below.
On March 19, 2009, wrote:
I'm thankful for having people like you in my life!
I used to have poor self confidence too -- I still do sometimes. Going raw helped me in so many way. Just last week I was telling Tonya Kay how amazing you are :)
On March 19, 2009, wrote:
Oh you , I am so thankful for YOU and the amazing loving energy and inspiration you give to the raw world!
Just think, who would you be if you could believe the best of yourself? I wish you a full luscious life!
don't hide your light, let is shine, we can all see it anyway!!!!!!!
love deb
On March 19, 2009, wrote:
Dear Wendy! I can just sign my name under Joanna_Steven comment. That is exactly how I feel! I am so thankful for having You in my life!
R Eli
On March 19, 2009, wrote:
Wendi thank you for your presence. You are a deep spirit and I'm honored to call you a friend : )
On March 20, 2009, wrote:
Oh Wendi Dee....you are so loved. Your openness and honesty always refreshes my spirit and your words of love and encouragement always touch me deeply. I too adore Dhrumil.....he's one of the most amazing men and his presence is full of humility and strength. What a lovely community we have.
On March 20, 2009, wrote:
Thanks for this -- I struggle with some of the same confidence issues and your openness with yourself and us is inspiring
On March 20, 2009, wrote:
From the title of this blog I knew it was going to be a touching one for me... and it was Wendi. Even today I had to fight tears when someone said something to me that I took in such a way that upset this body that I inhabit. I sat silent and worked on the task I had at hand, silently being thankful for my new job, though it is not what I want to be doing - but it is a job, and working through the mental state that the words left behind. I realized, and I know, the words were not said to me as to create any stress, they were only words, and they were factual, but I gave my body permission to grieve, however, slightly and silently and ask for the hurt to be lifted from my body. I say "my body" or "this body" because I believe we are more than just "the body" we are in - at this moment. I know "my body" is changing daily, thanks to you, and the other raw mentors I am so blessed to have in my life. Thank you dear heart for sharing such a personal part of your "self" with all of us.
On March 20, 2009, wrote:
awww. this is so beautiful, wendi. i'm really a big fan of yours! thank you for sharing so intimately of your heart. you are a great divine blessing! your presence in the raw community comforts me greatly, i feel i can relate in many ways. i so understand about the confidence bit. only recently do i have great confidence in myself. it can prove a long road coming, but the journey is ever awesome! all the love******* NAMASTE <3
On March 20, 2009, wrote:
and what a beautiful pic of dhrumil and his cousin! awww
On March 20, 2009, wrote:
plz do pardon all the comments, but i just meant to mention, too, YOU INSPIRE~!
On March 21, 2009, wrote:
Awww, thanks for such a sweet comment, Joanna!
Lots of love to you!
On March 21, 2009, wrote:
*blows kisses*
Debbie, you are such a loving, supportive woman. Thank you so much for
encouraging me and being a friend!
I love you,
On March 21, 2009, wrote:
Thanks, R_Eli!!
I'm thankful to have you in my life, as well! My life has been made richer
through this blog, because of the connections we are able to make with
each other.
Lots of love to you,
On March 21, 2009, wrote:
Thanks so much for your loving comment, Dhrumil.
I love you!
On March 21, 2009, wrote:
Comments like this are what help me open up and share even more. I am
happy to inspire others by sharing what I've been through and what I go
through now, even after being raw for over three years.
Lots of love to you,
On March 21, 2009, wrote:
Penni!!! You are such a strong force of uplifting love and appreciation in
my life. As much as I inspire others, giving them love and encouragment,
you are doing the same for me, dear friend!
Thank you so very much for your support, friendship, and love!
I love you,
On March 21, 2009, wrote:
Oh, I fully agree that we are not just our bodies. Our bodies are the
lovely vehicles so that we can experience life in a fuller way.
Thank you so very much for your comment, for you are sharing with me in
many ways, too!
Lots of love to you,
On March 21, 2009, wrote:
Thanks, Natasha!!
I'm so happy you are a fan of all that I'm doing! You are very welcome and
I am happy to be a source of comfort for you, to connect with you in a way
that resonantes and feels good for you. I am very touched with all that
you and others have shared with me, as well.
Lots of love to you,
On March 21, 2009, wrote:
Thanks!! That's what I want to do so it's always good to hear that I'm
doing it well!
On March 23, 2009, wrote:
How cool is that!? I'm so happy for you guys! Of course, the positivity and light coming from these pages and your family is so awesome, I'm glad for that Masala site...Bookmarked!
I completely understand what you are saying about the emotional part of healing. It's so interesting that this lifestyle brings people to that...how grateful I am for people like you guys leading the way. Go go go! :D
On March 23, 2009, wrote:
Yep, pretty cool! Thanks, Sam! :-)
I'm happy to share what I go through along this fabulous journey to being
whole. I'm not following any particular raw food leader, so maybe I'll
discover something unique along the way. Who knows ! It's definitely a
path to self-discovery, more so than any introspection I've done during my
life, and I enjoy teaching others about that aspect of healing as well as
the raw foods part.
Thanks for your love and support, Sam!
I love you!