Know Any Literary Animal Lovers?

Hi there PureJeevan readers! We wanted to let you know that Jim's new novel CHROO is available on Amazon. It's a crazy adventure involving a billionaire heiress, her Chihuahua BFF ("Chroo") and a host of human and animal characters. Find out more on Amazon! Here are some links:

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Every week I introduce you to some companies or individuals I think may be interesting to you. This time, I want to intoduce you to some handy calculators that will help you monitor your daily intake of nutrients.

Take the time to meet...





While I was consuming only mono meals for nine days, I decided it would be an easy time to learn how to use a nutrition calculator. The thought of learning to use one while I was consuming complex meals, with multiple ingredients, always kept me from checking them out. Since it's easy to plug in only one item, like four large bananas, I figured now was the time to find out how the calculators work, and see what I could learn from them.

At first I tried FitDay. I liked it and it was easy to figure out. It's a free online service, too, so that was nice. However, I was disappointed that I couldn't track my mineral intake. So, I tried a different program.

NutritionDiary is also a free online calculator. However, the formatting seemed a bit confusing to me and I quickly gave up trying to figure it out. That's when I downloaded CRON-O-meter, a free calculator that you store on your computer.

I found CRON-O-meter to be relatively easy to navigate (I'm one of those people who rarely reads the instructions on things; I just kind of jump in and figure it out). Since my first meal was only strawberries, that was an easy item to plug in. I quickly began to enjoy documenting my daily food intake, and I think I'll continue using it for quite some time.

There are many more nutrition calculators available, but those are the three that I've had a tiny bit of experience with recently. If you've never used one before, nutrition calculators can be very helpful in getting a true look at how well you've been doing with your nutrient intake. Check them out: CRON-O-meter, FitDay, NutritionDiary and let me know what you think. If you are using a different calculator that you love, please share that in the comments for others to look into.


If you are curious, here's a report of my averages for nutrition over the course of my mono meal adventure.

Report generated by CRON-o-Meter v0.9.3

Nutrition Summary

April 7, 2008 to April 14, 2008

Daily Averages over 8 days

General (67%)
Energy 1013.3 ?kcal 68%?
Protein 16.8 ?g 44%?
Carbs 238.3 ?g 73%?
? Fiber 36.2 ?g 145%?
Fat 9.8 ?g 58%?
Water 1653.3 ?g 61%?
Vitamins (68%)
Vitamin A 4375.0 ?IU 188%?
Folate 483.0 ? g 121%?
B1 (Thiamine) 1.0 ?mg 90%?
B2 (Riboflavin) 0.9 ?mg 78%?
B3 (Niacin) 8.1 ?mg 58%?
B5 (Pantothenic Acid) 4.8 ?mg 96%?
B6 (Pyridoxine) 2.6 ?mg 201%?
B12 (Cyanocobalamin) 0.0 ? g 0%?
Vitamin C 571.2 ?mg 762%?
Vitamin D 0.0 ?IU 0%?
Vitamin E 3.6 ?mg 24%?
Vitamin K 65.5 ? g 73%?
Minerals (49%)
Calcium 406.7 ?mg 41%?
Chromium 0.0 ? g 0%?
Copper 1.2 ?mg 132%?
Iron 4.3 ?mg 24%?
Magnesium 285.1 ?mg 89%?
Manganese 5.4 ?mg 299%?
Phosphorus 391.1 ?mg 56%?
Potassium 4069.8 ?mg 87%?
Selenium 5.3 ? g 10%?
Sodium 113.7 ?mg 8%?
Zinc 2.3 ?mg 28%?
Lipids (14%)
Saturated 1.8 ?g 9%?
? Omega-3 0.4 ?g 34%?
? Omega-6 1.5 ?g 12%?
Cholesterol 0.0 ?mg 0%?