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Jim here...

We've received some excellent feedback from people about our recent eBook releases, Raw Foods 101 and Raw Food Recipes. (If you didn't get them, click on the button on the right column that says "Subscribe to Our Newsletter.")

I wanted to examine a few words from one such response as a full blog post. Wendi received a note from someone today praising the eBooks. The commenter stated that, as an "ex fat person," Wendi understands what overweight people are feeling. This is a wonderful, important comment, in many ways above and beyond the chuckle we had over the stark honesty used.

Let's take a moment to reflect upon the word "fat." There are two primary uses of the word: (1) as a noun -- as in the substance, the actual fat (generally used in the sense of extra fat, or extra anything) and (2) as an adjective -- as in "Am I fat "? But it's also potentially much more than some academic, grammatical definition, isn't it?
While fat is indeed a technical term for a specific type of essential cell in our bodies, there's also a powerful, subtle connotation to the word, often accompanying it like some unseen, insidious vibration. As an adjective, it can be uttered with hatefulness. Or, it can be laden with near-palpable desperation, especially when we apply the word to ourselves. As a noun, it can be the physical manifestation of our attempt (conscious or unconscious) to hold unresolved nonphysical issues (conscious or unconscious) at bay. It can seem insurmountable.
But fat can also be a gift. It can be a gift because literally millions of people are living with significant extra weight right now.That's the sad reality of the state of health in the world (especially in Westernized countries, and especially in America). The gift is your opportunity to conquer this challenge, and to experience life afterward.
Maybe you've tried everything. Like Wendi, maybe you've lived consciously, made seemingly healthy decisions like vegetarianism and veganism. Or, like me, maybe you've tried eating generally healthier and exercising that weight away. But, like us both, maybe those things didn't work for you. And so you've landed here. The universe, through all of its cause and affect, has brought you here to this text. And maybe you're still seeking a solution.

Well, not only is the solution so ridiculously easy that it can be summed up in two words ("raw food"), THIS solution actually views "fat" as the easiest obstacle of them all! No matter what you weigh, fat is the LEAST of what you'll rid yourself of when you adopt a raw and living foods lifestyle. In fact, you'll be entirely transformed as a human being.


So, fat (or any surmountable health challenge) is a gift! ?You see, because you're surmounting something more than a normal, healthy person is called to overcome, the multi-dimensional healing ability of raw will be more pronounced in you. Does that make sense?
Now, don't flip this around on me if you're a healthy person. This essay does not mean to diminish anything at all about perfectly healthy individuals who chose to eat raw in order to become even MORE healthy. The world and the Internet abounds with incredible stories of athletes and others with no former health challenges who have adopted a raw/living foods lifestyle and have experienced improved performance and the bliss of this existence first-hand.


But, if you ARE facing a health challenge, then WHEN you overcome it (and you will), there's that extra level of presence about you, and it's not simply a difference in your physical appearance (though, believe me, that's what many people will focus on). It's related to your ability to understand on a deep level what others are going through, what they're struggling with. (Another gift I didn't mention is the undeniable compassionate aspect of being overweight, which pretty much removes any possibility of your ever judging others based on their weight.)


--which is all a long-winded way of agreeing with the comment Wendi received this morning. Yes, we've been there. We've felt what you feel, and therefore we really do understand!
Now, a rare individual like Wendi is also naturally empathetic. (She'll surely explore this topic more deeply here at some point.) Basically, she can keenly understand what you're going through without necessarily having experienced it herself. It's tough to get your head around that if you don't know what I'm saying. But, it's true. These (empaths) are the healers of the world's culture. Add this gift in with the above direct experience and it's an extraordinarily powerful force, which probably explains a lot of what we, through Pure Jeevan, are attempting to do in the world.
Raw will help you tap into this whole concept, probably increasingly so over time. I've certainly become much, much more in tune with my intuition, for example.But, empathy or not, let me just sum up this whole "fat" essay:? If you've experienced the overall state of being overweight, you automatically understand on a deeper level what millions of people are suffering from.And, when you surmount your weight issues (and you will), you'll be empowered that much more with the ability to help others. In this respect, it's a gift, even if it means you're just embarking on that noble journey.

Original Comments

Below, we have included the original comments from this blog post. Additional comments may be made via Facebook, below.

On January 10, 2009, Pixywinks wrote:

This is a great post Jim. I've recently started looking at my excess fat as a gift, because it made me ask more questions and seek more answers, which brought me to a deeper understanding of spirituality that has set me free in many ways.

On January 12, 2009, violet wrote:

i'm with both you jim, and pixy. fat is not necessarily a bad word- connotations and all. but i will disagree with the compassion bit. wendi and others may have adopted a more compassionate viewpoint in their lives and coming from a (prior or a present) overweight situation. but many people in a similar situation- and i am included in this grouping- even if past- are just as judgemental of weight issues, and even fats in general...mostly if it is a source of shame or self-loathing. which unfortunately- it is epidemic in our culture. it can then manifest as a jealousy or judgements in the opposite way.
now, i may have adopted a more compassionate viewpoint in my life which has helped heal that issue in my heart, but what of those who don't know how detrimental that viewpoint is? or aren't equipped to assimilate it into their lives? they are in the majority- regardless of what their weight is or beliefs @ dietary fats.
i think that in essence what we are looking at is an anthropological understanding of weight and fat identity.
yes, raw foods can heal. heal body and mind and in essence our essence can be changed. how amazing and powerful! but i think the loaded questions about fat are deeper than we admit.

On January 12, 2009, Jim Dee wrote:

Thanks, Pixy... I can relate to what you're saying for sure!

On January 12, 2009, Jim Dee wrote:

Ahhh, it took me a minute to isolate which part of what I said that you'd disagreed with. But, I think it was this part:

"(Another gift I didn t mention is the undeniable compassionate aspect of being overweight, which pretty much removes any possibility of your ever judging others based on their weight.)"

Sure, I'll concede that one. I suppose there are quite a number of overweight people who still judge others about their weight, or mire themselves in jealousy when observing a thinner person. Whether this is the majority view held by all overweight people is I suppose something we could never conclusively determine. I would hope that the majority would be compassionate toward others with health challenges. But, who knows...

Now, on the related issue of whether people in general are wired for compassion, I will admit that I was being a bit optimistic on that point. I would like to think that our default state as humans is one of compassion -- and that any behavior we exhibit otherwise is actually the result of negative conditioning by society, bad parenting, etc. On that point, I only said that those who lose weight will have an "ability to understand on a deep level what others are going through." I stand behind that, but also admit that, while they have this newfound ability, it doesn't necessarily logically follow that they'll USE this ability. But, I hope that the majority of them do use it.

In the end, I think we agree. You said that the "loaded questions about fat are deeper than we admit." That's precisely the "powerful, subtle connotation[s]" I mentioned.


On January 20, 2009, medamoso wrote:

That was really insightful. I also have lost lots of weight on raw foods (80 lbs), and I'd tried a lot before as well. It's amazing to see it as a "gift" that actually brought me to such a healthy lifestyle, where I have the ability to actually feel good now (instead of sick, sore, achy, etc.) along with shedding some excess weight.
~ Melissa

On January 20, 2009, purejeevanblog wrote:

On top of that, the fat truly is a gift. Without the fat protecting our
cells, the toxic stuff in our systems would kill us. Fat protects our

You are very inspiring to me!

I love you,
