We're loosley going to be picking up some of the ongoing themes we used to cover here on the blog. For the Take the Time Tuesday theme, we asked our readers to take the time to meet or learn about an individual, product, company, etc., that we think may be of interest to you. For today's entry, I'd like you to:
Take the time to meet...
Many of you have heard me mention Natural Zing before. However, I've never focused on them, or their service, before. So, today I'm making them the focuse of a Take the Time Tuesday blog entry! Natural Zing is an online source for just about everything a raw foodist needs and wants. They sell appliances, books, packaged raw foods, bulk nuts, raw olives, and so much more. When I was putting together a raw food spiritual retreat last year, Natural Zing contacted me and asked if I'd like them to donate some snacks for those attending the retreat. Nice, right? Prior to that, I never had any experience with Natural Zing. That quickly changed, however.
Once I saw the quality raw food products they were carrying, I ordered many items for the retreat. After the retreat, I found myself ordering again for my own family's needs. Within a few months after the retreat, Natural Zing offered me free tickets to the Raw Spirit Festival in Sedona. All I had to do was drop by their booth from time-to-time to replenish their samples, tidy the samples up a bit, and that was all! Nice, right? From the moment I met Jeff Rose, the President of Natural Zing, I knew we would be life-long friends. Guess what kind of energy he gives off? Nice! I wouldn't doubt that everyone who meets him thinks, "He's a nice guy." (He's a funny guy, too, and lots of fun to be around!)
Jeff Rose and Wendi Dee at the Natural Zing booth in Sedona, AZ
Since the festival, I've gotten to know Jeff and his beautiful wife, Helen, even more. They are remarkable individuals who have created an amazing business. Natural Zing is the leading distributor of raw, vegan, organic foods in the US and Canada. You don't get to be the leader without putting a lot of passion and purpose behind what you are doing. I witnessed first-hand how Natural Zing makes certain the products they are selling are of the best quality and from the best sources possible. While at the Raw Spirit Festival, Jeff was approached by countless individuals wanting their products sold through the Natural Zing store. He questioned what the sources for ingredients were, explaining that just because something is raw and organic it doesn't mean it's made from quality ingredients. He's pretty strict with what he'll carry, so I'm always comfortable trusting what is available through the Natural Zing store.
If you visit the Natural Zing web site, you'll quickly see they aren't just an online store trying to make money. They have an education tab to educate their customers about healthy practices, they use only 100% recycled paper in the office, they recycle boxes (I've seen this---Jeff saved every piece of cardboard from the Raw Spirit Festival and paid to have it shipped back to the Natural Zing office for re-use!), uses soluble packing materials, and even gets their electricity from a 100% green bio-mass generation facility. In addition to Natural Zing, Jeff and Helen founded the Spirit Bliss Community, a non-profit educational organization that provides events, seminars, and other learning experiences on raw vegan nutrition and how to grow organic food. ?
There's nothing I haven't liked about this amazing company and their owners. They are ethical, honest, loving, and genuine people running an amazing company that I am happy to feature today. I've also asked Helen and Jeff if they'd be interested in sharing their raw stories with us, for a future My Raw Story feature here on our blog. I think they are inspiring people and I'm happy to have met them. Without hesitation, I recommend Natural Zing to all of our readers as a fantastic resource for all of your raw food product needs! Whenever you click to the Natural Zing site through any links on our sites, we also get a small commission. Nice, right? ;-)
If you are interested in getting to know more about Natural Zing and its owners, you can visit the Natural Zing site, as well as their blogs:
- Natural Zing Online Store? (Sign up for their newsletter to be alerted about sales and specials!)
- Natural Zing Blog ?
- Natural Zing Babies Blog ? (Jeff and Helen have two beautiful children.)
ADDED: I JUST received my Natural Zing order, not long after posting this entry!! I ordered everything late Sunday evening (no shipping on Sundays), and here it is in my home already (Tuesday afternoon)! They're always so fast with their shipping. I didn't want to hope they'd get it here today--but, they did! I know I sound like an advertisement for Natural Zing by now, but they really are as great as I'm saying.
Natural Zing was out of the raw olives that we all love here at Pure Jeevan, so Jeff suggested I try some new ones he's carrying that are better than all the rest. I trust his opinion, so I ordered them. OMG!!!! These olives are AMAZING!! You can sqeeze them and get olive oil of out them, too. They are so delicious and not bitter at all. It's going to be difficult to not overeat on them!? If you like olives, I definitely recommend these (I never liked olives until I tried them last year) from the Natural Zing catalog: Peruvian Sundried Pitted Black Olives (8 oz., raw, organic, cured). OMG!! They are sooooo delicious! I don't recommend them if you have a hard time controlling yourself with tasty, salty snacks, though. ;-)
Original Comments
Below, we have included the original comments from this blog post. Additional comments may be made via Facebook, below.
On March 17, 2009, wrote:
I hope there are some olives left when I get home!
On March 17, 2009, wrote:
I told KDcat that we really need to control ourselves or else they'd all
be gone. Wait until you taste them!!! OMG!! You thought the last ones were
great, but these are 100 times better! So plump and juicy and not bitter
at all! We'll have to divide them up, to make it fair! LOL
See you when you get home. I promise to not eat all of them. ;-)
On March 17, 2009, wrote:
mmm, I have 4 bags of the olives you speak of (used to be 5). I am missing the family you speak of(Jeff and Helen). I am eating the food bought from the wonderful company you speak of (natural zing).
Nice. VERY nice!
On March 17, 2009, wrote:
When I think of Jeff and Natural Zing, I always think of you as well,
Rawbin. :-) The three of us together create magical fun and loving energy.
Those olives are too addictive. I'm going to ask Jeff to NEVER send them
to me again, no matter how many times I order them! LOL Wow, they are
just SOOOO good!
Lots of love to you!
On March 18, 2009, wrote:
I love me some Natural Zing! It is by far my preferred online store of choice. Jeff and Helen have great integrity and spirit. I feel good spending my money with such a fine company and family. Great plug and information!
On March 21, 2009, wrote:
It really is such a great feeling when you spend money at a place where
you truly know those running it are genuinely good people!
On March 30, 2009, wrote:
Very well written, I just loved reading it, keep posts like this coming, I am totally impressed with your posts, keep posting.
On April 5, 2009, wrote:
I love Natural Zing! Getting their packages in the mail has been a great source of encouragement and supplies for my new raw lifestyle.
I've had no small experience with being vegan, but raw just makes sense...I always did eat lots of fresh produce anyhow! Natural Zing has provided many of my non-supermarket extras for food and prep, and I've found they're a great source of sweet treats too. It's all the better to know that they are run by wonderful people who really deserve our business!
Thanks so much for your wonderful blog.