Know Any Literary Animal Lovers?

Hi there PureJeevan readers! We wanted to let you know that Jim's new novel CHROO is available on Amazon. It's a crazy adventure involving a billionaire heiress, her Chihuahua BFF ("Chroo") and a host of human and animal characters. Find out more on Amazon! Here are some links:

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You thought our "Know Your Food" series was dead ?!!? (Or, if you're a new reader, maybe you don't know what "Know Your Food" is yet!) Well, we've been poking around in the archives this week and discovered THREE lost episodes. This is HUGE... It's like one of those stories you hear every few years about some rare Hollywood film being discovered in a vault somewhere (laughing so hard)!

Over the next week or two, we'll be posting these three episodes. Today's episode is PUMPKIN, starring Wendi and her guest Ella (daughter of Melissa and Dave, who run the FoodUnderFoot blog we linked to recently). Once these missing episodes have been aired, this will usher in the dawn of a never-before seen level of production values for the Know Your Food series. The new stuff will totally win every major award available to YouTubers (continues laughing...).

Sure, we know pumpkins aren't in season right now. However, this video is sweet because of our special guest. So, enjoy the Pumpkin episode:


Some additional information about pumpkins:

  • Pumpkins are jam-packed with beta carotene, which helps protect against cancer, heart problems, and respiratory troubles. It's got decent amounts of Vitamin C, E, B2, Iron, and Potassium as well!


  • Pumpkin seeds are of course edible. However, we're going to cover them in a separate "Know Your Food" episode.


  • According to the Wikipedia, pumpkin extract may be good for diabetics. If you're diabetic, it may be worth researching this further.


  • Pure Jeevan's free eBook, "Raw Food Recipes," has an outstanding raw pumpkin pie recipe -- tastes even better than traditional baked pumpkin pie, and is actually GOOD for you! (If you haven't received our eBooks, sign up here and you'll get them via email.)


  • The All Raw Directory has around 10 different pumpkin recipes listed at the time of this blog entry. See and search for "Pumpkin" in the Recipes section.


  • Where Jim grew up in the midwest, years before he became an English major, he once walked into a Wal Mart and informed the manager that the word "Punkin" on their sign was misspelled. They promptly asked him to leave.

Original Comments

Below, we have included the original comments from this blog post. Additional comments may be made via Facebook, below.

On May 8, 2009, Melissa wrote:

So cute!
We love it (of course ;-)
~ Melissa